Monday, April 22, 2013

Day 15

They found me speaking openly.
Talking with another human being.
They took out the instruments.
They pried away another tooth.
They took a sander to my hands.
It hurts to write.
They cut off another toe, as well.
They are ruthless.

I fear to think of what happens if They find this journal.
What would they do to me?
They could tear out my eyes and tongue
And leave me with ears and hands to work.
They could rip out my vocal chords
and starve me while I cry out silent screams.

Why were we stupid to let it in?
I was the most foolish of them all.
The other three Deputies... They... took kindly to it.
Once upon a time, so did I.
We let him into a room at the Fibes Motel at the outskirts of town.
We did weekly checkups, and talked to it.

It moved through the rooms daily.
We saw the other tenants of the motel
Their vacant eyes, their dull expressions.
When we talked to it, all it had to do was snap a finger.
And the poor tenants inside were at its beck and call.
Was I the only one to notice
that its chains were now freshly polished?
And was I the only one to notice
the manacles around the peoples' feet?

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