Monday, April 22, 2013

Day 45

Finally, we are here.
The Day of Sacrifice.
The Breaking of the Barrier.
Master has waited near to a month for this.
I accept my fate now.
I forgot what freedom was for a long time.
But I know that I will soon be free.
Master has grown.
Fifty chains, all with clasps
Grow out his back.
Grabbing, breaking, rending
those who called it "Master".
I am soon to be devoured.
I will leave my journal here.
They won't find it under this rock.
It will spread soon.
Spread assimilate spread assimilate
Just give in.
Just give in.

Day 19

I remember The Day of Cleansing.

I had neighbors.
They were the kindest neighbors.
But the town rose up
If only because they were African American.

I had friends.
They were true friends.
But the town stoned them all
If only because they were amputees.

I tried to tell them to stop.
I tried to yell out, "Please, no!"
"For the love of God, stop!"
But there was a chain around my neck.

It started as me being unable to call out.
Then I feared just being outside
Just being... being in the wide world.
I feared calling out the actions of my peers.

Then I felt too afraid to do anything
I went upstairs
And I slept
Because of the chain that bound me.

I am bound to it and there is no solace for me
But for God's sake
Please help others.

Day 18

Four FBI agents came into the town yesterday
They were asking questions because
We never contacted the outside world
IT wouldn't allow us to.

But they were chained as soon as they entered
It has grown powerful.
There were ten chains wrapped around him.
All polished.

I saw one young child
Terrence Rhodes, about eleven or so
He didn't like the work
He collapsed. He was too tired.

So the chain around his neck tensed
And he rose up in the air like a ragdoll
He didn't fall back down until the life
was crushed out of him.

He gets no funeral
He gets no memorial
He gets only pity from me
What has happened to this town?

Day 16

No- I must not have been the only one
to see the polished chains on it.

It was later when I saw Wyonna Dexter
owner of the Smallhouse Cafe on Main.

The told me she was taking the coffee
to it, who she called her boss.
There was a chain around her neck.

There were chains on quite a few peoples' necks.
One of Them- Deputy Dexter Andrews, had a rusty red chain
wrapped around his whole body.
But nobody seemed to care.
...some did.
But the ones that did weren't wrapped in chains.

I have to continue my work now.
The Sentinels, They say that its goal is almost complete
"Spread the barrier," they say.
"Spread the barrier."

Day 15

They found me speaking openly.
Talking with another human being.
They took out the instruments.
They pried away another tooth.
They took a sander to my hands.
It hurts to write.
They cut off another toe, as well.
They are ruthless.

I fear to think of what happens if They find this journal.
What would they do to me?
They could tear out my eyes and tongue
And leave me with ears and hands to work.
They could rip out my vocal chords
and starve me while I cry out silent screams.

Why were we stupid to let it in?
I was the most foolish of them all.
The other three Deputies... They... took kindly to it.
Once upon a time, so did I.
We let him into a room at the Fibes Motel at the outskirts of town.
We did weekly checkups, and talked to it.

It moved through the rooms daily.
We saw the other tenants of the motel
Their vacant eyes, their dull expressions.
When we talked to it, all it had to do was snap a finger.
And the poor tenants inside were at its beck and call.
Was I the only one to notice
that its chains were now freshly polished?
And was I the only one to notice
the manacles around the peoples' feet?

Day 10

I remember painful snippets of my life in the time when it showed up.
I remember relaxing at my two-story home.
I remember enjoying the time outside.
I remember having a conversation with a neighbor.
And I remember feeling like I was worth something.
All those memories are just that now. Memories.

It started only ten days ago.
I was out on the corner of Main and Twelfth Street
Searching for jaywalkers, speeders, shoplifters
Just trying to do my job.
Then it showed up. It had a gaunt, hunger-worn face.
It had chains stemming from its ankles, worn and rusty.

We were stupid to let it in.
We were stupid to let it take control.
What were we thinking!?
I have to go now.
The Sentinels are out, and if they see me
They will get out the Instruments again.

Day 8

We are not allowed to leave.
We are not allowed to keep our names.
We are allowed to work
work and starve
and that's it.

We live in the Midwest
We live in a small town called Adrianne
They have taken control
over every one of us
for more than a week.

My name is Thomas. name was Thomas.
I was a deputy here in Adrianne
But then it showed up
and with it my job, my life, and my freedom.

This is my story.